Skitklass – 世界の平等さようなら (Sekaino Byoudou Sayonara) -7" EP

limited press of 1000 copies only.
SKITKLASS from Tokyo are back with a new 7" titled GOODBYE WORLD EQUALITY. It contains 5 tracks of pure Ra Punk! 1 minute of violence says it all!
Zipper mask RAW HARDCORE PUNK band "SKITKLASS" !! New single 7-inch EP for 2020 following the unchanging urge, a primitive and pure low punk, and the split EP with ARTIFICIAL JOY released from BREAK THE RECORDS earlier, this work is also all Japanese and rushing to death with a terrible tension 1 MINUTE OF VIOLENCE !! Impulsive sound that bursts the charm of the new SKITKLASS with the primitive and impulsive sound as it is! The advance of the zipper mask does not stop! PURE RA PUNK! "Primitive sense", "Animal ghost" , "Specimen", "Secret zipper mask", "Assimilation of power" All 5 songs !! Like the album, using artwork by Keizo Miyanishi !! Inserted lyrics, 500 sheets pressed !
原始的感覚 = Primitive Sense
アニマルゴースト = Animal Goast
標本 = Specimen
秘密のジッパーマスク = Secrets Of Zipper Mask
権力の同化 = Assimilation Of Power